A complete lack of urgency

by crucesignatus1096


As a man of extraction from two great, Catholic cultures, my family, especially my mother, faced all of our problems with great diligence. Whether an aunt was sick, a cousin needed to be baby-sat, and grandmother needed medicine, or I slacked off in my students, we sought to find the root of our problems and eliminate them to make life easier. Although I am no longer a child, my family takes this same attitude towards me up to this day.

Unless one has completely missed what every trad, and even neo-con, has shouted from the rooftops, the state of the Church today is absolutely abysmal. We need not get into the details here. On top of theological, disciplinary, and liturgical crises, there is an appalling sexual abuse scandal that cries out to high Heaven.  Yet, for whatever reason, those men who have the ability, and if one is a Guerardian, even the authority, to end this crisis, refuse to do so. Everything is a new springtime, and a new pentecost. Indeed, the Vatican recently rebuked “restorationists” as “pelagian” (though I don’t think they know what that word really means).

For good reason, the Society of Saint Pius X, along with many other traditional Catholic clergy and laity, operate apart from the mainstream church. They do this so that they can hear their Masses, teach their catechisms, and live their Faith just like their ancestors did, and they have every right to do as such. The current status quo of this Swiss-based religious congregation serves as the diving line of most of the serious Catholic world. Some who operate essentially as the SSPX do take the final step and realize that such irregularity would be impossible on the part of a true pope and magisterium, and impossible for clerics and laity to stand upon. These are the sedevacantists. Those who look at the Society’s path of resistance and see the impossibility but go the other way are the former indult or neo con crowd. I have been associated with all three of these groups.

The Church of Rome is the Mater et Magistra for every man and woman on earth. Just as my family went to extreme lengths to care for, and even baby me, the Roman Pontiff is bound with caring for all of our souls, and, notwithstanding his faults and limitations as a man, should strive to do so. Why is it, then, that Francis, Benedict XVI, soon to be “Saint” John Paul II, and Paul VI did so little to change the present condition of the Church? I highly doubt that popes of prior times, even the most scandalous of Renaissance or the Middle Ages, would allow such a situation to persist for decades. These men, in spite of their scandalous sins, took doctrine, as we say, dead seriously. Would Pius IX or Benedict XV ever allow a group as large as the SSPX to merely wallow in a state of uncertainty? I do not think so.

Lets say that in 1875, a Filipino religious congregation, with 500 priests around the world and about a million faithful in their chapels, conducted a state of affairs similar to what Écône does. Let’s say they feared the result of the Churh after the close of Vatican I, but after one examined their seminaries, priests, schools, etc., they were found to be faithful. Fidelis inveniatur.

I do not have a penumbra of doubt in my mind that Pius IX, then Leo XIII, and St. Pius X would conduct things the same way the conciliar popes have. These current leaders have no sense of urgency.

Even though it probably never happened, some 2000 years later, the man in charge fiddles not only as Rome burns, but millions of souls risk being burned to due his failings as Roman Pontiff. Because of recent attacks, such as the one in Boston, authorities at sporting events have tightened up. After 9/11 and other terrorists attacks, the powers that be, rightly or wrongly, subjected their citizens to a withering away of civil liberties all for the hopes of preventing another tragedy. Most people have been willing to surrender these benefits for that added sense of security, real or not. Would that those entrusted with a far greater responsibility did a fraction of this effort to prevent a far more dangerous and permanent tragedy.